Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Reasons Why:


1. Zooey Deschanel is basically my twin. Countless people have informed me of this fact and I can easily verify their claims by looking in the mirror. They're very much correct in saying we look alike. I mean, look at us:

The resemblance is uncanny. We both have brown hair and bangs. And faces with eyes, a nose and a mouth. Oh and I'm pretty sure that we both have the longest, most beautiful eyelashes in all the land. We could easily be related! (It's a wonder that more people do not mistake us for sisters, but I could understand why they wouldn't even try to ask me. If I turned out to be her sister, think about how embarrassing that situation would be for them! They'd make fools of themselves because of my famous relation). Sure, she has blue eyes and I have green eyes, but that is only a minor difference. Other than that, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to tell us apart if we stood side by side. It would be like when some of the celebrities have those wax figures made in their image... Except I'm the more animated one, so she'd be like the wax figure. (I know I wouldn't be able to stand that still).

2. The character, Jessica Day, uses baking as a way to distract herself. I happen to do the same exact thing... Baking helps you to put all those unresolved feelings to rest for a moment and allows everything to be sugary sweet. Focusing on recipes is much more satisfying than running around your home, throwing your unbalanced emotions-- whether good or bad-- at your poor, unsuspecting roommates. Plus, instead of ruining your friendships with those people with tears or gossip, you strengthen it by making them delicious cookies. They will love you forever. Or at least, until the next bout of depression or intense anger fests.

3. Jessica Day is probably the most awkward individual I've ever encountered, aside from myself. Yet,this awkwardness is found to be quite endearing much like the quirks found in me. We are very outgoing and seem to be confident to people on the outside. However, many times we both end up being the blubbering idiot who watches Dirty Dancing seven to eight times a day for a few weeks. Well... only if we are in a really terrible, sad mood. If not, we typically opt for a more hilarious chick flick like Bridesmaids. Or we just entertain ourselves with our own jokes 'cause we're pretty dang funny.

4. The two of us have really healthy relationships with food. We both had our awkward stages during adolescence where we gained a few pounds and weren't exactly the most normal kids of the bunch. Buuuut... those times caused us to gain a lot of character which makes the two of us more interesting than your average bear. It seems as if Jess has grown out of her problem with food, so that gives me some hope for the future. Maybe one day I will be able to resist the temptation of cheesy potatoes...

Just kidding. I seriously doubt that.

5. We sing to ourselves. A lot. And we also sing in awkward situations. And in happy situations. And especially in depressing situations.

6. Jess and I would probably wear dresses every day if we could. I mean, isn't that how everyone else in this world feels? Dresses are just so comfortable! You get a little bit of a breeze if it's too hot, and you just look super cute and put together, no matter where you are heading. Sure, you have to shave your legs and put in a little extra effort at times to coordinate your accessories, but it is certainly worth all the compliments. Or even one compliment, for that matter! 99% of the time, Jessica Day is in a dress. I would definitely like to work up to this figure but A) I live in Reno where it snows in April and B) I need to make more money in order to buy enough dresses to wear every day of the week. One day... one day...

7. Who likes to do impressions? Jessica Day and I both do! While I impress people with my impeccable Smeagol impersonation, I am still learning how to be like other fun characters. Jessica is very advanced with her impressions and even steps it up a notch when she makes her own costumes. A list of her best characters would most likely be, Thanksgiving Turkey - #1 and then Random Zombie - #2. I hope to someday reach her level of professionalism and talent. 

8. We both fall for really interesting guys. And by interesting, I mean TERRIBLE. While I tend to fall for guys who don't even care for me, Jess kind of does the same thing but actually sleeps with them. That may or may not be her first problem right there. However, at the same time, we are similar in the fact that we both put our whole hearts into something, especially relationships because we would like to have that awesome love reciprocated. Then, time after time, the guys we choose to give our hearts to, take our hearts, break them in half and set them on fire without any mercy. Yes, I hear what you are saying... "Go for the nice guys!" And we try. We do like the nice guys. At first... then we get all awkward with that real commitment stuff and don't feel good enough. Then we sabotage ourselves. 'Tis fun.

9. Did I mention that both of us aren't exactly great in the romance department? Regardless of our deep desire to have a nice, well working, normal relationship with a guy, we tend to sabotage ourselves when getting involved with really awesome men. We get awkward, whether it be physically or  when we turn into weird people who make random animal noises at the most inopportune times. We tend to say really random statements and half the time, we don't even know where our brains are taking our mouths. It's not only embarrassing for ourselves, but to everything around us. We just are really phenomenal human beings who know how to be cool, okay? 

10. Jessica Day loves Nancy Drew fan-fiction. I love Nancy Drew. (Just ask my best friend, Genevieve King. She can validate this!) Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Seriously... Nancy Drew is the freakin' bomb. She solved every case she's ever stumbled upon... SUCK ON THAT!!


  1. I haven't even seen that show, but it does sound like you two are a lot alike! To say the least, you definitely look like her.

    1. Have you heard my theories about how I believe that Zooey Deschanel is me from the future?

  2. You love Nancy Drew too!? We should form a sleuth club on campus.

    1. OhmygoodnessYESSSSS! With our sleuthing skills, we just may be able to make campus a safer place.

  3. Replies
    1. I don't blame you. That is the typical response I receive from others.

  4. Hahaha. Ohh good! Someone that's life is like New Girl's deserves to be loved.

    I love that show. "It's Jess!" "Schmidt happens."

    1. I wholeheartedly agree!

      "I have touched glitter in the last 24 hours."

      "You can't outrun the Jewish!"

    2. Hahaha Yes! "I can make any kind of a balloon animal, as long as it's a worm or a snake."

      "What if I have some idea of love in my head and it's just totally wrong?"
