Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anger Issues


If I feel like punching people in the face from time to time, does that mean I have anger issues? 

I have wondered about this for some time, especially after this feeling started to occur more frequently. Perhaps I am dealing with more infuriating individuals or could it possibly be that my patience has been wearing thin? I honestly am not quite sure what the the problem is. I feel as though I'm typically an extremely calm individual with patience comparable to that of my grandmother, who worked in a daycare for at least 15 years and has 9 grandchildren. Yet... I could be wrong in this, seeing that I do not deal with spoiled rotten children who feel entitled to have playtime at every hour of the day. I imagine that these children are much like Godzilla in the sense that they leave a path of death and destruction in their wake.

Many times, the anger comes slowly. Every time someone says something rude or unnecessary, fuel is added to the fire and before you know it, the small flame has nearly turned into a wildfire. I'm not generally an angry person but certain personalities get on my nerves. Some examples of these types of people would be: People who feel entitled, people who talk badly about others all the time, people who are dramatic and believe everyone is out to get them, people who are dirty, people who think they are hot s*** but really aren't, people who cut down everyone around them in order to feel better and last but certainly not least, people who only care about themselves. I know that you would most likely agree that these personality traits are less than desirable and that I'm not at all wrong for disliking them. So... in all actuality, I do not believe that I have anger issues. I just believe that I'm surrounded by idiots from time to time.

Should I wear pants today?   

Oh... that age old question. I'm positive that everyone and their mother has asked themselves this question at one point in their life. When you are comfortable at home, unless you have roommates, there is no reason to wear pants. Pants are unnecessary until you have to be a real human being and go out into the world. If you do not have to do anything, however, I suggest that you don't even bother getting ready. Be a scum bag... no one will be there to judge you for it. That is, unless you have really judgmental pets.... which I could understand. My dog Westley looks at me with a peculiar expression if I try to leave the house looking like a bum. He just doesn't understand!

I put Google to good use today and stalked that cute boy from one of my classes. Does that make me a creep?

Now I don't do this a lot. And I've only looked up this guy once because I couldn't find him on Facebook. Still... I feel as if using Google in this way is sort of really weird, especially when I've only talked to this person a few times. What was I even expecting to find when I put his name in a search engine? I know that I was hoping for only good things, obviously, but what would I do with that information when I found it? I couldn't exactly use it to make conversation with him because then he would know that I stalked him. He would certainly fall in love with me then, I believe.

Unfortunately, I did not find any information on this elusive fellow. I suppose he doesn't want any friends if he doesn't have a Facebook or even a Myspace... Talk about a sad life. Just kidding. In all actuality, this probably means that he's a really busy guy who has no need for the distractions of social networking sites. I know that I would be a lot more productive if I didn't worry so much about how many updates or likes I get on FB. Maybe instead of trying to stalk this guy, I should actually talk to him. Of course, that would involve some effort and confidence. Do I have either of those things? Another hard hitting question for another day, I suppose.

How did I get peanut butter on my face?

You would think that this question would come about when I was eating something with peanut butter in it. You couldn't be further from the truth... When I asked myself this question a few days ago, I had not come into contact with the delicious spread for at least a few hours. Even then, I could have sworn that I had washed the remnants of the peanut-y goodness off of my hands before packing my usual PB and Banana sandwich into my bag and heading to school. I suppose it was probably on my face all day since that moment. That is definitely not embarrassing at all!

Does Fruity Pebbles count for a serving of fruit? 

This question typically occurs when I'm low on food and have yet to make it to the grocery store. I've been trying to eat healthier but sometimes, I just cannot resist the enchanting call that the Fruity Pebbles sing. Especially when it's the only thing in the house that is edible... I honestly believe that anything with the word fruit in the title should contain at least one serving of real life fruit. That would make my life a whole lot simpler and I wouldn't feel so bad for eating a whole box of cereal. If there was actually fruit in Fruity Pebbles, I would be one healthy college student. I could fuel my addiction for the snack and it wouldn't be considered a bad habit. I wouldn't be called a fat kid for stuffing my face with those jewel toned crispies. My life would seriously be complete.


  1. Not exactly questions I often ask myself, but entertaining nonetheless. Funny as usual, keep it up :)
