Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello, My Name is Anxiety Girl

Oh... Life. For myself and most normal people on the face of this Earth, the twists and turns of living aren't exactly what you would call relaxing activities. Some twists can be great-- Like finding a twenty dollar on the ground! Not only could you pop some tags and wear your grandfather's clothing from the thrift shop but that luck typically causes people to feel invincible throughout the day. You are drawn into a (sometimes false) sense of security as if nothing could bring you down. Yet at other times, the twists aren't too awesome. Recently, I've been feeling as if life has been guiding me down wrong turn after wrong turn. I try to turn on the GPS and figure out where in the heck I am at but the computer-like voice just keeps repeating, "RECALCULATING.... RECALCULATING...!" 

To make matters worse, I am quite possibly the biggest worry wart on the planet. Okay, okay, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement BUT I do worry more than the average twenty year old female.I worry about everything from how people view me to leaving my dog at home for far too long. I worry about the future, like everyone, but I take it to an extreme where I start making myself physically sick over things that have yet to happen. I also do that for the past and constantly replay the events of the day in my mind when I feel as if I did something stupid. That causes me to have no motivation to get anything done because as far as I am concerned, something bad is going to happen anyway.

This has gotta change. I'VE got to change. Not because I'm not awesome, because I am. I just have to let the hilarity flow like chocolate fondue lava. As one of my awesome changes, I am going to start writing more! Writing is a great way to vent in a non-violent way. (Unless I start smacking my head against the keyboard...) Anyhow, I promise to write at least weekly and I also promise to write funny posts. I would rather you laugh your booty off while reading my blog posts instead of needing a whole box of tissues to get through them. I am desperately seeking SUNSHINE, not a pity party. :) So, with that being said, I hope that you join me on this journey to find a good level of happiness and normalcy. I will still always be my weird self but probably with a lot more confidence!

I hope everyone has a superb day because you deserve it!! :)


  1. I adored how you worked the Thrift Shop quote into this. I've "Followed" your Blog now to expand my slowly growing circle of blogging friends. Hakuna matata?

    1. WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE. :D I have followed you as well! Yayyy! :)

  2. Karley suggested I follow your blog and I'm glad I did. It's hilarious!
