Thursday, May 16, 2013


So little to do.

 Finals are now officially done for me. WOO HOO! That means, no more stress, no more studying and no more worrying. Praise the Lord, Jesus! I still have to attend another day of my creative writing class since we have a few more final presentations to go through. However, I already presented my project so I can deal with getting up early for once to attend an 8 a.m. class in the middle of the week. It is absolutely no big deal when all you have to do is show up, receive some previous homework assignments and hopefully be told that you got an 'A' in the class. At least, I pray those are the words I am able to hear tomorrow... if not, I suppose that a B is okay. Or at least, that is what I've had to keep telling myself during the last few days. I don't actually believe that, for myself, but life doesn't always go the way you planned. Life still continues, despite if it's on a different path than intended, but the only thing that truly matters is how you react to the change. So, I'm choosing to act positively about it so I can continue to be happy all of my days.

Now that summer is here (for the most part), I have been filled to the brim with absolute happiness. Though I must work from 9 AM to 5 PM during the week, I am so thankful that there is no more stress entering my life in the form of homework, projects and songs to learn for juries. The only stressful situation occuring during this summer is figuring out how to save up money for all of the things I need/want. I only make so much and since becoming an adult, I've finally realized how far (or rather, how little) a dollar will stretch. School, Rent, Utilities, Food, Gas... The list of things I have to pay for goes on and on, and tends to grow with each passing day. Oh responsibility... how I loathe you. Of course, it's not as bad as it could be since I receive a lot of help from my dad with money. My mom helps me as much as she can, as well and for both of them, I am extremely grateful. I sincerely wish to be financial independent of them in the near future, however. 

I really would not like to dwell on my financial problems right now, so I will talk about something that makes me happy: MY SUMMER BUCKET LIST! :D I am determined for this summer to be as awesome as possible because this past school year wasn't as great as I would have hoped. Sure, it was most likely due to an attitude problem, but there were just some things that happened that unfortunately kept me down in the dumps. However, without the stress of school on my shoulders, I feel that I am better equipped to handle any emotional warfare or any possible drama people decide to impose on my life. Although I work much of the time, I still have a good amount of free time to myself. With weekends off, endless possibilities of fun are possible. Tahoe is not too far away and I'm planning on going there at least a few times before the summer ends. I am beyond excited!

I've got the usual plans on the list: Go swimming, hang out with my sisters, visit Elko. Then I've also got a few new ones that scare me slightly: face my fear of heights and go on the swing thing at GSR, and also go visit my best friend, Katie Shook, in Portland. The latter isn't so scary, I think the biggest problem I have with that may be money. But I've been saying for so long that I am going to visit, so I should probably stop lying and have a great time visiting her finally! Which reminds me, I should probably plan that now instead of waiting until the week before. It's not like the four hour trip home to Elko.... it actually involves budgeting and such. Oh joyous day...

This summer should be most excellent. That is, if I let it be. I can't let silly things get in my way of happiness. And in all honesty, I should probably stop persuing romantic relationships for now. In my experience, that is what causes most of the drama in my life. Well, a lot of it anyway... if not most. I'm okay with being single, even though a summer romance would be pretty fun. But, I'm pretty sure it's because my ideas of a summer romance are tainted by Hollywood's distorted image of romance. I sincerely don't want to have a relationship that lasts only a summer. Sure, it would be loads of fun to enjoy summer activities with a cute guy... but I can enjoy those things by myself, just as well. Singleness isn't a curse. It's a blessing. Yet, most of the young people of today don't realize that, myself included. I constantly judge my self worth based on how many guys like me, or if I am in a relationship. That isn't right and has got to stop.

All the more reason to enjoy my summer alone :)

Well, not alone. But in the company of good friends. No drama necessary.

I pray that this summer is successful. And I also pray that yours is as well... Everyone deserves to have fun, especially in the times where they aren't so busy and can rest a bit. Let's all just have the best summers of our lives, okay?

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