Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reasons Why:


Music: Preventing homicidal rage since... well, the beginning of it's existence.

1. All it takes is a few chords and suddenly, you are transported to another time or place. Not literally, although the effect is just as cool. You begin to reminisce on old times, with a certain person (or people), in a special place and it can be utterly glorious. Of course, it could also be really terrible, especially if the song in question was you and your ex's "song". You still get transported to a different time... but it's obviously a time much better than where you are currently at. Which is the perfect segue to my next point...

2. Music evokes emotions that you weren't even sure you had. Sometimes these emotions are directly related with memories that are brought up while listening to music, like I stated above, but at times, music doesn't even need to be tied to a memory in order to create emotion. The melodies, harmonies, tempo, etc all come together to create a piece of music that can sound somber, happy or just plain scary. I don't know if it's just me, but when these pieces are performed correctly and with passion, focus and correct technique, I find that I lose myself in the music. I no longer become aware that I'm even listening to music. I start to feel. Depending on the song, sadness or happiness grip me, and I can't even begin to describe why. But it's freakin' awesome...

3. Despite what you have been led to believe by some artists in the pop industry, music can actually be absolutely fantastic. Popular music is honestly not very engaging nor is it difficult to recreate (TYPICALLY. This isn't the case for every song, just a great majority of them). When you venture out into the realms of classical music, alternative, and even some rock music, you experience some pretty cool effects that blow your mind. I would get into more detail on this, but that would involve talking about music theory, and no one really wants to do that. And believe me, after four semesters of that class, theory is the last topic that I would want to discuss.

4. When  you want to dance, you can just turn some music on and let your inner animal loose! If it has a good beat and some awesome effects, you can turn any place you're in to a dance floor. I mean, you can dance without having music but it's just not the same. Plus, you look a little crazy dancing to no beat. Especially if you're like me and you aren't the greatest dancer. Interperative dance doesn't look as cool when you have no music to back you up. Actually, it probably doesn't look too cool even with the music. Oh well... I'm never giving it up!

5. It can be a lot more complicated than most people believe. While there are many out there who think that music is easy (I.E. girl in my Environmental Science class who thought she would have no problem in Sight singing because she was in "recording"), and some people are naturally gifted in theory, listening and playing/singing, music is actually really complicated if you get down to the nitty gritty. Also, if you're a normal person like me, you can't just whip out your piano or guitar and come with a song on the spot. It takes you hours. And even after all of the time spent playing, you still slightly terrible, though you may have made some improvements.

For any of you who think being a music major is easy, I cordially invite you to try it out. Sure, there isn't a lot of homework, but if you don't practice, you're usually screwed. You can get by on natural talent during your first year, but if you don't work hard, then you won't really get anywhere. At least, that's how it is with the vocal program. And unfortunately, though I'm not failing, I'm not exactly going through this program with flying colors because I have a hard time not procrastinating.

Anyway... rant done. On to the next point.

6. There is not a single person on this world who hates music. At least, I have yet to meet someone who does. I seriously doubt that anyone hates music, however, since it's much like hating puppies, or babies, or hating happiness itself. It may not be everyone's life and soul, as it is for me, but you just can't dislike music. If you happen to, please don't ruin my opinion of you by telling me. I seriously will never be your friend again. If that is harsh, I apologize, but you're being silly by not liking God's gift to the world. For real.
7. The reason I believe that no one hates music is because it's so versatile. There are so many genres of music, it's unbelievable. Rock, Pop, Country, Classical, Hip-Hop, etc... A little something is available for everyone. You've got music for every mood and situation, as well. If you're tired of one type of music, you can just change the station or press shuffle on your iPod. It's that easy... I know that if you're anything like me, you go through phases. Like right now, I'm definitely on an alternative streak. A few weeks ago, it was rock. When I start this musical in the next couple of weeks, I'll probably fill my playlists with showtunes.

8. Music brings people together. Whether you have a favorite band, or play/sing in an ensemble, you can't help but make friends with people you normally wouldn't because of music. In my own life, most of my best friends are people I've met because of music. When you are part of an ensemble, like choir, you become sort of like a family. You spend a lot of time with one another practicing and performing, and although you may get annoyed at each other from time to time, you learn to appreciate each and every person in the choir. You appreciate them because a choir cannot lean on one really good person. You have to blend, listen to one another and everyone has to be accountable in order to sound good. When you do a good job, you feel accomplished and proud of those around you. It's a great feeling!

There are many, many more reasons proving that music is awesome and I'm hoping that you agree. My days aren't complete without listening to some guitar riffs or a beautiful melody sung by a choir. I couldn't imagine life without music, which is why I am studying it in college. Sure, it may not be the smartest decision to some, but hey, at least I love what I'm doing. How many people could say that?

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